Scientific institutes

Saturday September 13, 2014 - 19:57:59 in Prospective Students by Super Admin
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    Scientific institutes

    The Islamic University which has been opened in 2001 has two scientific institutes which offering the undergraduate programs and they are as the follows:

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The Islamic University which has been opened in 2001 has two scientific institutes which offering the undergraduate programs and they are as the follows:
Al-Noor Scientific Institute:

The Al-Noor institute was founded in 2004, and offers a study opportunity to the students in the Islamic education subjects, Arabic language, Math, science subjects, Geography, History and English language, an investigation of a lot of young people needs, especially those interested in the scientific workshops in the mosques and others who have a good backgrounds and knowledge in the forensic sciences and Arabic language. Note that the institute sets especial conditions for the students’ acceptance, as the study will be accepted at the university after completing the study at the institute.

Science and mathematics institute:

This institute was opened in 2005, and it is specialized institute gives a diploma in the following disciplines:-
  1. Mathematics and physics.
  2. Biology and chemistry.
  3. Teaching methods and English language.

The secondary school certificate is required from the student to accept at the institute.

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