Academic System

Saturday September 13, 2014 - 18:04:02 in The University by Super Admin
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    Academic System

    Academic system of the Islamic University is the system that followed by the most universities in the word and its details are as the follows:

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Academic system of the Islamic University is the system that followed by the most universities in the word and its details are as the follows:
Academic year: Two main semesters.
The university is runs by semesters; the duration of the semester is at least eighteen (18) weeks. It covers all the syllabuses of the semester, and included the period of registration and the final selection.

Academic level: the academic level shows the level attained by the student. The number of the levels required for the graduation is eight (8) levels, and the duration of the level is one semester.

Academic plan: the academic plan of the university is consists of group of syllabus and divided in to the three groups called the university requirements, college requirements and the specialization requirements.

Academic Curricula: shows the subjects taught at each particular level according to the instruction plan of each field (Islamic law, Education, business & administration etc) each curriculum has its own number, name or detail which differentiate it from others in terms of content and level.

Course Unit: consists of weekly lectures of one credit hour at least.

Semester activities grade: it is a grade granted to the semester activities, and it shows the student’s achievements in the tests, research, and educational activities that related to the curricula during the semester.

Final Examination: the final examination is taken only once in the final semester.

Final Examination Grade: is the grade gained or achieved by the student for each subject in the final examination of the semester.

Final Grade: is the total grade for class activities added on to the final examination grade for each subject, the mark is graded from 100 percent.

Level: is the percentage ratio detail or alphabetical symbol to the final grade achieved by the student in each semester.

Semester grade point average: is calculated by dividing the total points obtained by student over the total curricular units for all courses he studied in any semester, and this points is calculated by multiplying the curricular unit on the grade level obtained by the student in each curricular he studied.

Accumulated Grade Point Average: is calculated by dividing the total points earned by the student in all courses he studies since his joining to the university over the total units.

General grade: measuring the level of educational achievement of the student during the study period at the university.

Academic Record: Is the statement shows the academic progress of the student and included the curricula taught to study in each semester, its numbers, its curricular units’ number, the marks obtained by the student and the values of these marks, as well as, it shows the semester grade point average and the accumulated grade point average and the general grade statement.

  • The system of education is based on levels.
  •  It consists of eight academic levels.
  • The period of academic year is divided into two main semesters.
  • The student proceeds in his academic study and exams of the given curriculum according to the conditions of advancing from one academic level to another.
  • The curriculum is distributed in each field according to the laws of transferring from one academic level to another.
  • Academic course units are selected and limited according to the plan of the curriculum.
  • A minimum course credit hours is (15) hours.

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