Postgraduate Program

Saturday September 13, 2014 - 20:08:00 in Programs Offered by Super Admin
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    Postgraduate Program

    Faculty of postgraduate studies has been opened in the academic year of 2013-2014 as the fifth faculties of the university.

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Faculty of postgraduate studies has been opened in the academic year of 2013-2014 as the fifth faculties of the university.
The students will receive their master’s degree after completing their two years studies in the field that they have chosen. So far it consists of two departments and we hope in the near future to open more departments.

The admission requirements of this faculty are as the follows:


Department of specialization

The required grade

Duration of the study


Master of Islamic jurisprudence (figh al Islam)


bachelor decree certificate or liaison

Two (2) years


Master of Hadith (traditions of the Prophet) and its sciences

Bachelor decree certificate or liaison

Two (2) years


Master of curriculum and the teaching ways

bachelor decree certificate or liaison

Two (2) years

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