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Programs Offered
Graduate Programs
Visits: 7991
| Saturday September 13, 2014 - 20:25:00
The Islamic University presently has four faculties that offer the graduate programs and they are as the follows:
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Postgraduate Program
Visits: 3917
| Saturday September 13, 2014 - 20:08:00
Faculty of postgraduate studies has been opened in the academic year of 2013-2014 as the fifth faculties of the university.
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Scientific institutes
Visits: 2840
| Saturday September 13, 2014 - 19:57:59
The Islamic University which has been opened in 2001 has two scientific institutes which offering the undergraduate programs and they are as the follows:
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The University
Rector's Message
Thanks for Allah who created man qualified for learning and knowing the values of Quran, the means for developing human civilization.
University Relations
Islamic university in Somalia enjoys good relations with the local universities that based on cooperation and coordination among them
Academic System
Academic system of the Islamic University is the system that followed by the most universities in the word and its details are as the follows:
Prospective Students
Academic Calendar
Academic year 2014- 2015 AD calendar, corresponding to the 1435 – 1436 AH
Scientific institutes
The Islamic University which has been opened in 2001 has two scientific institutes which offering the undergraduate programs and they are as the follows:
Admission of New Student
The University board upon the proposal of faculties' boards sets the number of the students that can be admitted in the next academic year.
Programs Offered
Graduate Programs
The Islamic University presently has four faculties that offer the graduate programs and they are as the follows:
Postgraduate Program
Faculty of postgraduate studies has been opened in the academic year of 2013-2014 as the fifth faculties of the university.
Scientific institutes
The Islamic University which has been opened in 2001 has two scientific institutes which offering the undergraduate programs and they are as the follows:
News and Events
Islamic University discusses the scientific thesis to get master's degree:-
Islamic University discusses the scientific thesis to get master's degree:-
The Islamic university was signed a scientific cooperation agreement with the Omdurman Islamic University in Sudan:-
The Islamic university was signed a scientific cooperation agreement with the Omdurman Islamic University in Sudan:-
The Islamic university was organized the university's eleventh batch graduate ceremony:-
The Islamic university was organized the university's eleventh batch graduate ceremony:-