The Islamic university was signed a scientific cooperation agreement with the Omdurman Islamic University in Sudan:-

Saturday January 16, 2016 - 11:53:12 in News and Events by Super Admin
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    The Islamic university was signed a scientific cooperation agreement with the Omdurman Islamic University in Sudan:-

    The Islamic university was signed a scientific cooperation agreement with the Omdurman Islamic University in Sudan:-

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The Islamic university was signed a scientific cooperation agreement with the Omdurman Islamic University in Sudan:-

In the framework of cooperation and achievement the objectives of Omdurman Islamic University in Sudan, and the Islamic University in Somalia and to develop the ways of performance in higher education and scientific research sector in the Republic of Somalia the two universities signed a scientific cooperation agreement in several areas, and this agreement was signed at the Omdurman Islamic University headquarter in Khartoum - Sudan.

Professor Mohammed Abdullah Abdi was signed this convention as the representative of the Islamic University with the Omdurman Islamic University which aims a cooperation in scientific research and exchange of information and publications, exchange of lectures, as well as the cooperation in the establishment of new joint programs, holding conferences and workshops that are in favor of the two universities interests. Also the agreement was included the provision of doctoral and master stage scholarships to the members of the teaching staff at the Islamic University, and rehabilitation the Islamic university scientific cadres , as well as a providing the opportunity for the two university students to exchange a visits in the framework of strengthen the relations between the two university.

This agreement comes at a time when the university is seeking to raise its capacity and develop its policies, programs to open the new prospects for a better future that strengthens the cooperation with scientific institutions and bodies to reach its desired goals and outcomes that are beneficial to the higher education sector in Somalia.

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