The mid-term exams for the first semester of the academic year 2014/2015 AD

Sunday November 09, 2014 - 14:21:59 in News and Events
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    The mid-term exams for the first semester of the academic year 2014/2015 AD

    The Islamic University midterm exams for the first semester of the academic year 2014/2015 AD was started today at the all campuses of the university, where the students are sitting for this exam as the part of the academic year assessments.

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The Islamic University midterm exams for the first semester of the academic year 2014/2015 AD was started today at the all campuses of the university, where the students are sitting for this exam as the part of the academic year assessments.


Ustaad Abdulkadir Ali Mu,min, the university’s vice rector was visited the students in the exam’s halls to check on the progress of the examination process, and encouraged the students to well prepare themselves to improve their performance in the exam, Mr. Mu,min also praised the exam supervision commission for their efforts , hard works and procedures that indicates for their readies to the all phases of the exam.

The midterm exams started today Saturday, 08/11/2014 AD, corresponding to 15/01/1436 AH, and will continue until 11/14/2014 corresponding to 21/01/1436 AH, where the all of university students from all faculties and disciplines are entering to the exam.

Ustaad Abdullah Ibrahim Farah, Dean of Admission and Registration Said,the exam started on his time and will be in accordance with the specified table, if Allah willing, and the participation of students is very high and to the required extent, he said, adding that the university had done all the necessary procedures and arrangements to easies the conduct the exam process and to complement it in easy manner.

While Ustaad MohammedAhmed Hassan (Tarbiic), Dean of Student’s Affairs was expressed to the students the exam’s regulations and encouraged them to committed to the rules and regulations of the university,Mr. Tarbiic also praised students to keep their identities and university’s cards and access to the exam’s rooms on the time.