Islamic University enters the final exams for the first semester

Sunday January 04, 2015 - 12:52:22 in News and Events by Super Admin
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    Islamic University enters the final exams for the first semester

    The final exam for the first semester of the academic year 2014/2015 was begun at all faculties of Islamic university in Somalia on Saturday, January 3rd, 2015 and as planed it is suppose to be continued until the 14 of this month.

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The final exam for the first semester of the academic year 2014/2015 was begun at all faculties of Islamic university in Somalia on Saturday, January 3rd, 2015 and as planed it is suppose to be continued until the 14 of this month.

The Prof. Mahmud Issa Mahmud, university’s rector, accompanied with Prof. Abdulkadir Ali Mu,min University’s Deputy rector and Prof. Muse Mahmud Alasow head of the examinations board made an observation to follow up the progress of the final exams, and they observed the students in the exam’s halls to check on the proper functioning and integrity of the examinations process,and make sure the preparedness of students and their good willingness for the exam.

Prof. Mahamud – rector- priced the examination committee efforts to monitor the control procedures and to provide all the needed supplies and appropriate atmosphere for the students during the exams, as he also priced the role of the university faculties and departments in the completion of the study and complete the prescribeddeadline approaches according to the university calendar which ensures the success of the university inits academic programs, and wisheda success for all students and professors 

For his part, Mr. Musa Mahmud Alsowhead of the committee supervising theexams expressed that the university devices were upgraded for their preparedness for exams to higher grades to adopt proceduresand controls, and that leaves questions, statements, books, the answer has been to make sure they soundand print them up to the required level, pointing out that the students have begunwith the participation of the examaccording to the committees and the table and the hallsand the specified time, and that any violation of prejudice exam performance will be tunedand control, and then be dealt with according to the regulations and rules for the examination.

For his part, Mr. Muse Mahmud Alasow, - head of exams supervision committee – expressed that the university’s devices was upgraded for their preparedness to higher grades to adopt the procedures and control operations, he also stated that the exam question’s papers, statements as well as the answer books has been sure it’s being on sound and print them up to the required level , pointing out that the students have begunwith participation the exam according to the committees , tables , halls and the specified time, and that anyviolation of prejudice exam performance will be tuned and control, and it will be dealt according to the regulations and rules of the examinations.

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