Arabic language and scientific research skills development training was conducted at the Islamic university

Wednesday June 24, 2015 - 11:43:28 in News and Events by Super Admin
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    Arabic language and scientific research skills development training was conducted at the Islamic university

    Arabic language and scientific research skills development training was conducted at the Islamic university

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Arabic language and scientific research skills development training was conducted at the Islamic university

Islamic university in Somalia was organized in collaboration with the Mogadishu Center for Research & Studies a training courses project at the university in the aims to raise the educational levels of the students and to develop their skills and abilities in the Arabic language and scientific research.

This session was begun on the Saturday, 20th June 2015, and it is expected to take three weeks and concluded – if Allah wills- on Wednesday 8thJuly 2015 m. all the students of the university from the various colleges and disciplines will participate in these courses, and it will be held in the university’s headquarter and it’s Dharkeynley distract branch. This session consists of two types:-


1.Arabic language skills development:-

The students will learn during this course the Arabic language skills in advanced way and they will trained on the use of the statement and fluency in writing and expression ways, and proper pronunciation and avoiding the language mistakes and missteps of the tongue, as well as, avoiding misspelling and linguistic common mistakes.

During the session the students also will be trained on the calligraphy art and its improvements, as well as, the writing articles and discussing different topics to acquire the students the ability to read and look in deeply and smoothly in order to exceed their language ability.

The important of this course is based on its relation to the Arabic language, the language of science, literature, culture and history, as well as, the language of the Holly Quran and the most widely vocabulary and words language of the world.

2.Scientific Research Skills Development Training:-

This training will be given to the students completed a semester six and will start a semester seven in the next academic year in order to enable them for choosing a graduate research book topics, while they will learn during this training the origins of the scientific research, its rules and the arts of printing and electronic searchers, as well as, the rules of spelling and correction errors.

The objective of this training is to develop the scientific research and focus on the research culture among community ranging from the university students, and expression it’s important for us, this country and its strong needs for it, and the today’s world is in a feverish race to gain access to knowledge for the scientific research.

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